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Celebrating Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

In August the streets of Copenhagen are filled to celebrate Pride Week. Also at Xellia we celebrate Pride, as we do every day.

  • Zest: We believe in the freedom to be yourself, and to bring the whole of your identity, dreams, skills and engagement to our workplace. We have a value called Zest, and what it basically means is “come as you are and celebrate as you want”!
  • Xellia Grows: We know that diversity and equal opportunities for all is key to our success and an integral part of what we do. We have put in place a whole system around creating a “Growth Mindset”, where personal and professional development of the individual is in focus. 
  • DIB: The XLT (Xellia Leadership Team) sponsors and governs our DIB (Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging) initiatives. This ensures focus on continuous development and support of the possibility for each employee to unfold their talents!
  • Employee Surveys: We are so happy to see in our employee surveys that all important measures and metrics shows that all employees of Xellia feel safe coming in to work and in being themselves!

The above activities show our commitment to continue to live up to our promises in diversity, inclusion and belonging.

Happy Pride Week!